September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Judy, Lyndy and all--

Just wanted to ask you to double your efforts at prayers on this and the other attacks today. I'm actually in mid-town Manhattan right now, a couple miles from the World Trade Center. It's just unbelievably horrible. I was in a meeting this morning when we first heard the news -- our conference room had a clear view of the first tower that was hit and burning. Some people saw the plane that hit the second one. We tried to keep our meeting going but as the news kept getting worse, we gave up. Some people were also watching out the window when the tower collapsed. We were so close -- they could see our windows if we could see theirs. And then it was just gone.

We have people from our company working in that area -- one of our main buildings is connected to the WTC. We have no word yet on what's happened to our colleagues. We also have colleagues in Washington.

One of our colleagues was in a meeting down there and made it out and walked back to our office -- he was saying people were jumping out of the buildings or perhaps falling. People were staring at the buildings and then they collapsed -- he ran over other people to escape. He thought the buildings melted from the heat -- by the time you read this we may know how many firefighters, police and other rescue people were in the area. He said they were all killed when the first building collapsed.

I spent the day with a friend and former colleague several blocks from here. When we were walking back to the hotel tonight, we passed a man in camoflage materials covered with dust and carrying a dust mask. The smell coming off him of fire was horrible.

I'm stuck in Manhattan for the foreseeable future. I'm keeping in touch with Craig. There are enough people here that I know so I'm OK. I've got a hotel room and can stay with friends if needed. A co-worker who was on my flight coming in Monday morning and I are going to try to get together to see how we can get back to Minneapolis.

Just thought you'd want to know.


September 11 Email: Date

Wed 9/12/2001 2:09 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

NY terrorist attacks


“email85.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,