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September 11 Email: Body

X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 18:09:56 -0400
From: Liz Mack <>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7C-CCK-MCD {C-UDP; EBM-APPLE} (Macintosh; I; PPC)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Family and Friends
Subject: One of the luckier ones
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
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I need to share this information with you, because I'm very stressed, and I'm alone.

I just got off the phone with Gerry, my son. He and his crew had been invited to a party in Manhattan on Monday night, by the financial people he was dealing with for his company. After a late night celebration, they retired to their hotel, the Marriott, in the World Trade Center! Around 9 a.m., Tuesday morning, he was awakened by a very loud sound, the origin of which he could not be sure. So he dozed off again, only to be awakened again by an alarm sounded by the hotel. When he looked out the window he could see falling debris, so he quickly dressed and took his already packed duffel bag with him and left his 10th floor room. (Some of his co-workers were on the 20th floor.) He had absolutely no idea of what had happened, but along with many others, took the stairs down to safety. His friend and co-worker, stumbled on a person in the stairwell, and dislocated his elbow.

Gerry said that he has only stayed at this hotel once before. He figured that since he was only going to be there one night, he wouldn't pack more than just a duffel bag. He didn't take his briefcase or computer, so he was out of the room immediately! After reaching the hotel lobby, he saw a scene no one should ever have to see again, and I cannot write what he said. He helped many people who were dazed and in a confused state. He reached into his duffel bag and took out all his T-shirts and tore them up for people to use as masks. There was panic all around him, and when our planes, F-16's (?) came by shortly afterwards, many of the
people became hysterical, thinking there would be a repeat of what had just occurred.

His cell phone, and most others' as well, was inoperative. He was running from the crime scene, completely engulfed by the huge cloud of smoke and debris, caused by the collapsing of the towers. His voice, now 2 days later, still sounds affected by the pollutants in the air. He said that his adrenalin level was at an extreme high throughout his running to safety, and that he was NEVER so scared in all his life!

After crossing the bridge, he saw people wanting to get on the ferries, but he decided that was not the way for him to rejoin his co-workers. It wasn't until he got to Brooklyn that he could use his cell phone. After just sitting still and putting his head down, trying to regain composure, he did manage to contact his co-workers by cell phone, and
together they worked out a plan of escape. The woman in his party rented a car. They had earlier decided that the man with the dislocated elbow was not about to get the immediate help he needed, if they had remained there. So they packed his arm in ice and left for home, to Charlotte, North Carolina. They drove all night.

The building at which he was staying collapsed at around 5:25 p.m. that day.

Meanwhile, the people at his place of business all came over to Gerry and Libby's house, bringing her lunch, and just staying with her. When he finally was able to reach his place of business by phone (Libby's line was busy because everyone was calling her for information about him), they let her know that he was safe, and closed the business office
for the day.

That same day, my daughter, Mari, let me know that Gerry was OK. He called me yesterday morning, but only talked long enough to let me know that he was OK and on his way to bed. I could tell from his voice that there was more to it
than that.

He spent most of yesterday either sleeping or working in his woodshop. He is still deeply traumatized by the events, but is physically all right, except for the possible asbestos and other contaminants that he's inhaled.

I told Gerry that when I pray, it's always for just two things: continued good health for my entire family, and for their safety in travel. Im one of the luckier parents, in that my prayers had been answered! I'm so relieved, and now feel better after having shared this with you. Pray for the families who were not as fortunate.


September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 18:09:56 -0400

September 11 Email: Subject

One of the luckier ones


“email659.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 26, 2024,