September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

On September 11, 2001 as usual, I had a hard time waking up in the morning. I got ready and rushed out of my house to attend school at Miami Dade Community College. I recall being stuck in traffic and tunning into Y-100 (a local radio station). Y-100 has a morning show in which they constantly play pranks on everyone. This particular morning of September 11th, Y-100 was live with a reporter and a witness from New York City who stated that there was an explotion in The World Trade Center. (I didn't even know that the Twin Towers were also called The World Trade Center.) I thought to myself: "these people have gone too far... If they ever have something important to tell the listeners no one is ever going to believe them.". I got to school and when I was in class I overheard the girl sitting next to me mention she believed it was a terrorist attack. Then it hit me, I realized everything was true, they were not joking around. Obviously, no one was able to concentrate we all kept talking about the incident, so I decided to go home and watch the news. When I got home, my mom was in front of the TV watching Channel 23 (Univision-spanish channel). As I got closer to the TV the second airplane hits the other tower. I was so devistated I could not believe such a thing. September 11th impacted me forever. May God bless all those families who have suffered. I know what it feels like. My cousin works at the Pentagon and my family went through moments of grief as well. Fortunately, we did receive the call. My cousin survived.


“story4570.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,