September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

From: Dyana Mason
Subject: Hi everyone
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 10:47:53 -0400

Hi all,

I know I've spoken with you all some over the last few days. I just wanted
to let everyone know how things are going here in DC.

On Tuesday, I arrived at work with folks in the elevator talking about a
plane hitting the world trade center in New York. 20 minutes later, I
turned on a TV here in the office and saw the Pentagon had been hit. Our
office is only 3 blocks from the White House and 3 miles from the Pentagon.
We were shortly ordered to go home and not use the metro (our subway). Sara
and I had to walk 3-4 miles home, passing people standing confused outside
their buildings, walking everywhere, gridlocked traffic, etc. Needless to
say, I was very frightened so we got home, got into my car and headed out of
town. Sara and I drove about 150 miles out of town to a beach town, Ocean
City, where we stayed overnight. Our office was open yesterday, so we got
back in after returning and tried to get back to our normal routines. I am
still very jittery and jumpy and really dont' want to be here in DC. Every
so often, you can hear the F-16 jets screeching overhead and there is a
military vehicle on almost every corner. I saw a jet trail in the sky last
night and my first thought was "there aren't supposed to be any planes!!!".
I have refused to take the metro.

My worries, my work, my concerns however seem to be completely irrelevant
and insignificant due to what has happened. I talk to my volunteers about
campaign work we're doing and I think "this is SO unimportant". I have a
cousin, Scott Mason, who was only one block away from the WTC. He is safe,
made it home after walking across Manhattan, and over to Brooklyn before he
was able to catch a working train to get home on Long Island. I have two
other friends who worked in the area. One IN the WTC who saw the second
plane crash and people jumping from the building. Another said she had to
"run for her life" down the streets as the buildings fell.

My thoughts continue to return to the victims of these horrible acts.

However, Sara and I are still packing, getting ready for our move this
weekend. I have two plane trips scheduled during the rest of the month. We
will have to see if those will be possible and/if I am physically able to
get onto a plane.

Luckily, it appears that the HRC family is safe and sound. We still have
several staff stranded throughout the nation, and I hope they will get home
safe and sound over the next day or two. One of our donors ($1200 level,
which is called the Federal Club) was a pilot of the plane that hit the

My thoughts return to all of you as well. Be safe, and I hope all of your
family and friends are safe as well.


September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

Hi everyone


“email860.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,