September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

And I suppose the Zionists caused your recent flat tire, too. It seems like nothing bad in this world happens that isn't their fault, according to you.

>>>>"I am quite certain that they did the
attack - who else would be able to pull it off? Who else benefits from it?"<<<

Question #1: Who else... what? Are you saying, "what other people on this earth has some pilots, some immigrants or tourists in America, enough money to buy plane tickets, and some pocket knives with which to kill the flight crew"? This was not that complicated an attack. The thing I cannot begin to understand is why cockpit doors are flimsy plywood things with what look like easily defeatable locks (I have wondered that before as I boarded planes). If those doors were impenetrable and the policy was never, ever to open them no matter what was happening in the cabin, this kind of thing could not happen.

Question #2: "Who else benefits from it..." Hmm, that seems to be the first time it has occurred to you that when fundamentalists (of whatever stripe, I'm not just talking about Islam) commit terrorism, it doesn't benefit them. We've had this discussion before, regarding whether or not it is helpful to the Palestinian cause for them to commit suicide attacks on Israeli landmarks.

Terrorism never benefits the people who commit it. It gets them killed (either by suicide or, as in Tim McVeigh's case, execution), and it deals a horrific setback to their pet cause. And yet people continue to commit acts of terrorism ad infinitum. When you say that Tuesday's events can't be the work of Islamic fundamentalists, well, that would be a major change: it'd be the first time that those terrorists sat back for a second and thought "Hmm, we could do this awful thing, but we shouldn't because it would make us unpopular."

Have you seen the footage of Palestinians dancing for joy in the streets?

September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:01:28 -0500 (EST)

September 11 Email: Subject



“email366.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,