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911DA Story: Story
On September 8, 2001, I met the most precious person in my life- my newborn son. I had to have an emergency C-Section which left me in the hospotal for 5 days. On the morning of September 11, I woke around 7:30 and decided to watch television. I dozed on and off thru-out the morning, curtesy of the pain medication. I remeber waking up and seeing the news on, and I almost changed the station. I woke just in time to see the second plane crashing into the towers. I remember feeling this horrible, deep pain inside. All I knew is that I wanted my son with me, because I was so afraid. What next, the hospitals? I remeber thinking that I could be next. If they could take over 4 major airliners and crash them into the twin towers, the PENTAGON (our security headquarters!), and pretty much anywhere they pleased, they could start taking our only source of recovery- the doctors and the new little lives, our babies. I spent the day watching the coverage on television with one of the nurses on duty and never once letting go of my future. I have since dedicated 6 pages of his scrapbook to the memory of September 11, 2001. I think it is very important that he understands the relevance of that day, when he's old enough to understand about the lives lost and the feelings of insecurity that swept across our nation.
“story10430.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,