Title: "September Ascension" by Mario Pocoroba
This image is a 6.5"x 7.5" marker and pencil study of a much larger (48"x 48") oil painting-sculpture which is currently in progress and will be completed by the first anniversary, 9/11/2002. On the large piece, the head of Jesus is sculpted in Claystone on armature through the frame of the canvas. The observer sees Jesus and the WTC towers as viewed from the heavens above. This is the first representation of the work in progress to be published anywhere.
This image is a 6.5"x 7.5" marker and pencil study of a much larger (48"x 48") oil painting-sculpture which is currently in progress and will be completed by the first anniversary, 9/11/2002. On the large piece, the head of Jesus is sculpted in Claystone on armature through the frame of the canvas. The observer sees Jesus and the WTC towers as viewed from the heavens above. This is the first representation of the work in progress to be published anywhere.
Media Type
still image
Original Name
Date Entered
“620.jpeg,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 28, 2024, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/36400.