September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

September 11th was a rough day for me. The only thing that I thought about was why would someone want to do that and what did we do to deserve it. I sat with my friends in my child care class in amasment. Really I think we just want to go home to our families. I have learned alot from this and that was not to take anything for graned because you never know what could happen next to them or to you or to someone elses loved ones. As I was sitting watching television lasty night I thought that I was pretty well over it. then they showed this story about this guy who lived through it all and went home to his wife who was pregnant. I started to cry instantly and thought how scared she must have been. After everything she and her husband had gone through she had this magizine with a big picture of women and thier babies who never got to meet thier fathers because of that tradgic day. What touched me more then anything is that she wrote a song for those women who were widdowed with children. I really admire her for what she has gopne through and how she came out of it with a smile because she still had her husband. My heart goes out to all of you in your time of need and I hope that some day the world will be a decent place again.


“story6327.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 1, 2024,