September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

As I entered high school on a fresh new note, I believed that everything would somehow change. I thought that I would have more responsibilities and have to carry around a couple more pounds worth of books home every night. I couldn't have ever in my wildest dreams have ever thought anything that huge was actually going to happen. It's like one of the old sayings; "it's like someone took a pin to your balloon." For the event that occurred during my second week of school though, the quote would be much more accurately expressed as a balloon that wasn't even filled with air. This balloon would pop with the slightest touch of a pin. No one would ever suspect a balloon to pop when it was never even blown up. That is what the events on September 11 felt like to me, and that is what will always stick in my mind. I was so unprepared for what happened, but like many others I had to keep on breathing, and to keep on living.
It was first hour, and my 9th grade science class was ready to take down some notes into our notebooks. We did this quite often, and had just begun to do so. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and somehow everyone's heart stopped for just one second as if they already knew something was wrong. It was our school counselor at the door and my science teacher simply walked outside and shut the door so they would have some privacy to talk without us knowing. Around the room you could hear a murmur spread through my classmates that were throwing out answers that they thought were the solution to what was being discussed. As the door crept open, my science teacher stepped inside and didn't have the slightest bit of happiness in his eyes. His face was somehow washed of all hope that had ever lingered there. He took a moment to regain composure and to simply take a breath. He simply and bluntly put it; "A plane has crashed. It has gone straight into the twin towers. We have been asked to explain to everyone that there is no need to panic." After those few brief words, he simply turned on the television and there it was. There on that very screen in my little hometown of Monticello. There is was in my high school, sitting inside my science room, was a picture that till the day I turn to dust will ever be imprinted on my mind. He never had to change the channel; he simply had to push on the power to see a picture that would turn out the power of so many hearts. I watched in horror at the sight of a plane hitting on of our most prized buildings in America. It hit and I saw the explosion take place like it was out of cartoon or an action movie. I went through what would normally happen to people in a time of shock or sadness. I went through a moment of disbelief where I thought this whole charade was simply a hoax. I thought this could never happen; not to my country. Shortly after that I felt the weight of it all come crashing down right on me as I realized that this was the real deal, this was really happening. My whole class full of people that I used to eat graham crackers in kindergarten with was suddenly changed. They sensed danger as I did, and I for the first time in my life actually sensed fear throughout so many people.
After first hour occurred and we had watched the footage of the crash over and over again, we had many questions. We asked our teachers numerous times why this was happening and if we ourselves were in any real danger, but they had no reply. My Spanish teacher had one thing to say to us before she decided to skip today's lesson and to simply watch the news. She solemnly exclaimed, "May the lord be with us all." I remember those simple words as we come to the first anniversary of the attacks. I remember the memories and the stories that have been expressed throughout the past year. I still feel the hurt that ached in my heart for those that aren't with us now because of what happened. My heart extends to those who suffer the loss of someone they loved. I also pray for America, and hope that someday the pain will be healed. I am forever changed, not because I had more homework my freshman year, but I am changed because of what happened at one moment in time. I will never forget and I will always remember.


“story1932.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 22, 2024,