Pictures of World Trade Center
Pictures of World Trade Center
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September 11 Email: Body
<br>While what is represented as your photo as shown in the e-mail someone sent to me could certainly be construed by some viewers to be a photo of a face or caricature of a face, my response to it is: WHO KNOWS or what does it matter??!! One can always visualize images of, what seems to be, animals, flowers or inanimate images in the clouds all of the time -- so what?? <br><br><br><br>Are people <bold>actually</bold> so shallow as to attempt to make this into some image of satan or the image of what has been presented by mankind as satan? If so, they are victims of their own ignorance! Also, being scared "to death" as one person being interviewed on TV put it is <bold>un-American</bold>!!!!!!! this nation is a courageous, brave and strong one! <br><br><br><br>These atrocious, hateful and despicable events perpetrated by <bold>even more hateful and despicable Terrorists</bold> who are <bold>lower </bold>than creepy, crawling things of the earth only cause me to <bold><underline>REDOUBLE</underline></bold> my faith in the American Spirit and determination to overcome this type of cowardice!!! <br><br><br><br>I have renewed my confidence in our elected leaders and their appointees' resolve to root out and destroy this cancer called terrorism!! <br><br><br><br>I, for one, am <bold>not</bold> scared - I fly all of the time in discharging the responsibilities of my profession and I have every intention to continue doing just that!! I will not allow a group, network or whatever to steal from me what we in this nation has built and should put our total existence to maintaining and strengthening - that is the ability to live free of fear! President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was <bold>totally correct</bold> almost 60 years ago when he reminded the American People that "<bold>the only thing to fear is fear, itself"!</bold> He is still correct - today!! People can't allow themselves to become cowardly lions! That is Un-American, also!! <br><br><br><br>My first response is photos can be altered or doctored - I'm not accusing anyone - but given today's technology, who believes anything seen in a photo anymore? Who even believes the news media anymore, for that matter? From my perspective, one of the essences of being an American is to <bold><underline>question</underline></bold> -- anything and everything!! <br><br><br><br>Jerry<br><br><br><br><br>
September 11 Email: Date
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 17:12:45 EDT
September 11 Email: Subject
Pictures of World Trade Center
“Pictures of World Trade Center,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,