September 11 Digital Archive

To: Mark D. Phillips


To: Mark D. Phillips



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September 11 Email: Body

Hello, and before I go any further, I extend to you also my heartfelt sorrow and sympathy. I cannot imagine what it would be like to stand there, camera in hand, and shoot what was happening. I am an amateur photographer, and I have always had the desire to be "where the action is" but I do not envy what you must be going through. May God be with you. <br><br>I had sent an e-mail to; the NBC affiliate in Denver, Co. They sent me your information, and I welcome that. <br><br>First, let me say that I am a mainline Christian, not prone to hysteria over every little thing that happens especially concerning the middle East. However, what happened last week, and continues to develop is no small thing.<br><br>The face in the smoke, which was also photographed by a CNN photographer from a different view, is certainly evil in nature. I only wish that CNN would comment on it; and I have not seen it on television, though some have.<br>Please forgive my inabilitly to stay focused. I believe that the "face" is a manifestation of one of the many demons attached to the hijackers and those responsible for this evil act. I could go on and on, as I have studied Biblical prophesy quite a bit. Only until now, can I honestly say that this COULD BE the begining of the tribulation period which will usher in the second return of The Messiah. <br><br>I just want to thank you for being there, and I pray that you will have peace, and courage in the days ahead.<br>If you desire further communication on this subject, please contact me anytime.<br>I am: Anita Lynne Williams<br><br>Superior, Colorado<br>303-543-1414<br><br>Many Blessings,<br>anita<br><br>ps. I have an idea for a series of photographs. Contact me if interested.<br>

September 11 Email: Date

Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:32:43 -0600

September 11 Email: Subject

To: Mark D. Phillips


“To: Mark D. Phillips,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,