September 11 Digital Archive

RE: Twin Towers Photograph


RE: Twin Towers Photograph



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September 11 Email: Body

Dear Mr. Phillips, I heard your interview on our local radio station in Greenville, SC this morning and I can only imagine the feelings that you had seeing this terrible event take place before your eyes...I know how devastated I was merely seeing it on the television screen.   I wanted to write you and offer support for your photo. I,like many people, can see an image but beyond that I see someone who even in a horrifying time, could keep his composure, do his job and post it for America to see. I am not a religious person. I am an average, everyday American who has taken our nation, it's freedom and our safety for granted..that is until Sept. 11, 2001.   Now I am a scared, angry American who believes that this tragedy will bring us closer as a nation and as a people and as one of those people I wanted to thank a fellow human being for a job well done and to say that I believe the photo was taken just as you said, without any changes being made to it and for those people out there with nothing better to do than to accuse you,or send messages of disbelief I ask, do we not have more pressing issues at this time to deal with than our denial that this did happened to us and this man was only doing his job.   Thank you, Lisa Gilmore<br>

September 11 Email: Date

Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:03:10 -0700

September 11 Email: Subject

RE: Twin Towers Photograph


“RE: Twin Towers Photograph,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,