September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:13 PM
Eligiblity Laws

To whom it may concerned:

I am outraged at how an organization who is supposed to be helping the ones
most gravely affected by the tragedies of Sept. 11th can make such
allowances as to ignore federal and state laws in order to help the illegal
aliens, to make funds available to fetuses, who in all actuallity can not be
100% tested as being child to one of the departed, but not to gays and
lesbians who in some cases were one of the very men who saved the DC target.
Who in some cases lost their lives giving the last rites to those already
gone in the towers. Who in some cases were flying the planes that crashed.
To make allowances for so many things that are not accepted and not legal
and not recognized by the whole of society but then to turn your heads to
one group of people who are not accepted and not legal (ie:marriages) and
not recognized by the whole of society. Where is the definition that the
other groups where special allowances were made over society and over the
laws of our country and states are better than the group of gays and
lesbians whose same rights are being denied.

Sept 11th I had thought had brought our country together despite all the
arguements we've had within our nation. Despite our differences and color
lines, sex lines, orientation lines, political lines, etc. we learned that
our nation as a whole was more important than all of our petty bickering
amoungst ourselves. Now I am not so sure that we have all learned that.

I guess it is left to what I have always known. The gays and lesbians will
have to support each other and look to within our "family." I am proud to
say that so far there are 4 gays/lesbians out of my family of 7 brothers and
sisters and not one of them is any less important or any less needed as part
of my family than the ones that are straight. Nor do I consider any
gay/lesbians in society any less important or any less needed than the ones
who are heterosexual.

Sadly I cannot change the minds of those who already so closed and blind to
building peace and acceptance amoungst all of society. But I can try to
speak my mind and hope that one day my one voice will make the difference.


And so many more...

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002237.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,