September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 9:01 PM

To whom this may concern,

I am outraged that gay and lesbian partners of those
who died on September 11 will not automatically going to
receive the same benefits as heterosexual spouses. This is an absurd, this UN-AMERICAN.
Do you think that we are less than other citizens of this country? I pay taxes
every year; I dedicate more than 50% of my time, if not more, to help non-profits
working with environmental causes to protect our beautiful land for future generations
(maybe your kids and grand-children); I donate my time to churches, to the AIDS
cause, to women rights, to children causes and you THINK THAT I AM LESS THAN
THE OTHER CITIZENS OF MY COUNTY. This is such an UNGODLY act. God created us
all on his/her image; we are all his/her children. It just happend that he/she
made me, my partner,and others, different than you. We are all different and
that is what makes our lives so amazing, chalenging and beautiful. Please, look
deep inside your heart and ask yourself if your action is a loving action. Ask
yourself if discrimination and hatred are family or Christian values.

I do want to say that no matter what you think of me, not as a Gay Man, but
as a Man who happens to feel love for another human being of the same sex ...
I will never hate you, I will never disrespect you, or put you down. I will
always love you, as I love all my brothers and sisters of different gender,
color, religion, sex, sex orientation.

With all my love and respect.

Individual Comment
Miami Beach, Florida

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001241.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,