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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 8:10 AM
Fwd: THE LIST: 9/11 Fund Screws Gays

right now and for most of these past 2 days i've been so angry i could bite a
skunk in the azz!!! ... if you haven't kept up --- the u.s. justice
department has summarily denied any federal comensation to the families of
the 9/11 gay victims based on whatever the state laws recognizes ... so if
the state law recognizes the same-sex relationship the the federal law and
911 fund will grant status and put a check in the mail .. if the state law
doesn't then tough titties!!! ... you are SOL!!! deal with it!!! ..

however, the fund will grant status to illegal, undocumented workers AND not
penalize their employers for having these workers on the payroll .. even tho
both state and federal statutes are being violated!!!!!!

it's the typical beaucratic circle jerk-catch22 situation --- the feds say
they won't over rule state law for fear of law suits .. and most states do
not recognize same-sex relationships --- even tho there are some
states/cities that grant domestic partner benifits to city/state workers but
not to the general population as a whole!!! ... but then federal workers
don't have domestic partner benefits!!! ... so we shouldn't be surprised
about this turn of events!!! so if the state says no way jose .. the feds
chain step to that tune and witholds the funds ... what a crock!!!

so the survivors of same-sex households who were victimized by the atrocities
of the 911 events are being victimized all over again ---- and that sucks ---
like they don't have bills to pay or houses to keep .. or kids that need
shoes ... medical needs ... and even worse they probably won't be able to
qualify for the tax relief when they file their tax returns!!!!

and i bet you that if there wasn't any type of support w/both families of
these households .. the surviving spouse probably is having to deal w/the
deceased partners family to even keep what assets they acquired together !!!

tell you this .. i refuse to allow the government to which i pay taxes to
relegate gay families to a sub-status because of thier ignorance, prejudice
and stupidity ...

many a glbt american contributed to this fund under the impression that it
would be fairly adminstrated and distributed to the victims and their
families ...

well there we go assuming that things are fair --- and that all of the
victims/families would be recognized ...

if this was a government of the people .. by the people .. and for the people
.. we really wouldn't even be having this discussion ...

the way i see it .. if you are recognized by the government enough for them
to tax you out the wazzooo then all rights and benefits belong to you ---
period --- no status determination required!!! ..

when they can separate tax contributions into those made by gays and those by
straights and distribute them accordingly then the ruling can stand as stated
... but they can't ... so they need to come correct and cover every family
affected --- no questions asked ...

actually this is what they need to do in this country as a whole --- and get
off this well the bible doesn't recognize you bs!!! .. not all american's
believe/follow the bible .. and even those who put themselves forward as
christians don't follow it 100%.... and grant 100% 1st class citizenship
rights to each and every american ---
gay/str8/black/white/pokadotted/bigoted!!! ..

anyway ... i'm thru ... my moral/mental/social/emotional outrage still burns

this can't go unprotested/contested!!! ... make the calls .. write the
letters/emails ...

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000044.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,