September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:14 AM

To Whom it May Concern:   It is reassuring to know that as an American, our nation has assumed responsibility for its citizens during a time when such acts of responsibility are most needed.  The 9/11 Fund demonstrates great generosity to surviving family members of the September 11 attacks, and sends an equally resounding message to the world that the United States will not allow gutless terrorists tear the fabric of our nation.   Unfortunately, this is not the only resounding message the 9/11 Fund sends to both Americans and peoples all over the world.  It indicates to all of us that some citizens - gay and lesbian citizens - are valued less than everyone else.  The 9/11 Fund sanctions discrimination against an entire segment of American society.  It is now well known that the Attorney General has bent the law to allow undocumented aliens to receive compensation while his own countrymen - for no reason other than their sexual orientation - are denied equal treatment.   This position is abhorrent.  The message of the Fund is that Americans take care of their own.  Unless changes are made quickly, the lasting legacy will be that the Fund turned back the clock on progress, openness, and compassion - just the themes that Mohammed Atta and his band of terrorists aimed to derail.   I urge you to amend the guidelines of the 9/11 Fund to include surviving partners of same-sex marriage.  Thank you very much for your re-consideration of this important issue.


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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001642.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,