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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, December 31, 2001 4:38 PM
Helping Victims--a Proposal

Mr. Kenneth R. Feinberg, Esq.
Special Master

Dear Sir:

Congratulations on implementation of regulations for victims of September 11th. The task was huge, and your attention and excellent work remarkable.

While late in the game, I felt compelled to offer an expanded idea to further assist the victims of September 11th. It is attached. Pardon my presumption, but I feel so strongly about the fact that most lump sum recipients have no ability to manage their awards. The data suggests that over 90% dissipate their awards in five years or less. What happens is that they dissipate it, or squander it on dubious investments, or, worse yet, have it squandered by influence peddlers in or out of their families.

This is especially true for dependant children.

There is a better way, one based on sound thinking, spendthrift protection and expanded, extended benefits. By now, many of the needs mentioned in the attached paper, such as claimant input documents, already exist.

While it may be too late to include this in a broader sense, I strongly suggest that claimants be given the option of structured settlements (periodic payments). Given the likely extended process, implementing structures as an option is feasible.

Many are meditating on September 11 at the close of 2001, as I am. Therefore, I offer this modest proposal.

Thank you for your excellent work on this critical, difficult task.

Individual Comment
St. Mary's KS

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001260.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,