September 11 Digital Archive

satan's face in then smoke of the burning wtc towers


satan's face in then smoke of the burning wtc towers



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September 11 Email: Body

Hi Mark....<br>I as I am sure many others, are quite amazed, perplexed, etc about what you captured on film. I'd be curious to compare this image to other satanic images either photographed, painted or otherwise captured throughout time and compare them to the image....I truly hope managed to capture. My explanation....if it's really the apparition of satan or "evilness" would not be as urban legends has hinted that satan was awakened from the hub of world must realize the tremendous degree of evil that was perpetuated on Sept 11th....the United States and the<br>rest of the civilized world are dealing with....all those innocent persons who<br>cried out, who prayed to God, who in disbelief and maximum horror, realized that<br>this is it......lucky those who died instantly and whose death was painless and<br>unmeasured by those agonizing minutes. Our world is in for a rocky time. Could this be the start of Armageddon....I don't know. In my 40 yrs, this is the<br>first time I am beginning to think.....maybe so. I am religious.....but in my own<br>Russian Orthodox way.....not at all fanatical or ultra.....but I believe the image<br>you captured....if not altered.......could very well be the image of everything<br>evil.....this may be a real wake up call to us and the rest of the world.....if it's<br>not too late already....(I hope not).<br>I'd be happy to hear from you, if time permits....on your reaction when you actually<br>took a second and third glance at the image after your agent called and informed<br>you (as the press explains). Have you or anyone thought about informing religious<br>officials, etc about this's just too clear.....if be a<br>coincidence. Take care, Nick <br><br>_________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at<br>

September 11 Email: Date

Sun, 23 Sep 2001 16:13:56 -0700

September 11 Email: Subject

satan's face in then smoke of the burning wtc towers


“satan's face in then smoke of the burning wtc towers,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,