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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:54 PM
September 11 Victims Compensation Fund

My husband went to work on September 11th at the WTC and will never make it home again to me, (his wife), our unborn son due in January, and my 15 month old son. We lived a modest life and were financially responsible, yet my life now will NEVER compare to how it would have been if he had lived and all the money in the world couldn't change that. My children will NEVER know their father. I will NEVER have the opportunity to grow old with him. I am now a single mom with 2 children 17 months apart and not because my husband made a mistake but because he was a victim of homicide...a mass homicide. Who is responsible for this tragedy? Someone must be held accountable. Take the frozen assets from the terrorists and use that money for some good.

I would trade all the money in the world to have him back, but that it isn't going to happen, so all I ask is that I can live the life I would have lived had my husband survived. He was 30 years old and had another 35 years to earn income. I am never going to be more well off then I would have been had he survived. I just don't want to worry about my children's education or health expenses or anything. I don't know what the future will hold, but I need to be financially sound, as I once was, in order to not be so anxious. And if I happen to receive this 'windfall' that everyone thinks I'm getting, then I would be perfectly willing to give it back to those in the community that need it.

I don't know how much people think we victims are getting from the charities but it isn't much and it surely isn't enough for my family to live on. I don't get my husband's salary for life nor did he go to work that day thinking his life could be in danger. The families of firefighters, rescue workers, and policemen affected, totalling around 500 people, will get salary and medical for life, as well as funds from the Twin Towers Fund and other charities. That means that $40 million dollars from the Twin Towers Fund will be dispursed among the 500 families and then they can also collect from the other funds and the government fund or a lawsuit. It seems like those are the people who are going to end up with the windfall. Give me my husband's salary for life and I would be satisfied. I appreciate that these people were trying to save lives, but THAT WAS THEIR JOB! My husband worked behind a desk and was trying to provide for his family as best he could. His job was not one where he thought he could be endangered but he lost his life.

I am not asking to be rich, just not to worry about paying my bills. The government victims compensation act needs to be fair, based on the victims' earning potential and actuary tables, etc. If the point behind it is to convince victims' families not to sue then it needs to be worth their while. It shouldn't take into account the charities monies (which at this point is insignificant). In terms of life insurance, that should not be included either since the purpose of the government fund is to compensate for pain and suffering, etc. in lieu of a lawsuit. Realize that people who aren't happy with the government VCA will merely turn around and sue and your purpose is to avoid that from happening.

With respect to my feelings on the charities...
It isn't easy for people to figure out what charities are out there. What about all the people who don't have access to computers, etc.? The charities know who the victims are and should be seeking us out rather then us playing this cat and mouse game. Why should I, 7 months pregnant, have to go into Manhattan every two weeks in order to collect the Safe Horizon/September 11th fund? That is ridiculous! It should be easier for us to receive benefits that the American people so generously gave for us. That is not the case. Trying to get the charities to dole out the money is frustrating. You need to constantly follow up and be on top of things. This is in addition to straightening out your financial and legal life, as well as whatever you did before. I am proud and didn't want to ask for money, but I also don't expect to be grilled to no end in order to get money. I am suffering tremendously and don't need the added stress of that.

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000341.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,