September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:51 PM
victims' fund payments

I am against government payments to families of those killed in the World Trade Center disaster. Those families already are qualified for government payments in the form of Social Security and other such payments. Tragedies happen across this nation every day that leave families without breadwinners and money to pay their debts. That is just a part of life. The government does not rush in to help those in desperate need. Those associated with the WTC event are no different.

The money you propose to give those select individuals belongs to the people of this country. We have worked and sacraficed to pay 'tribute' to a government with profligate spending habits. It already gives money to so-called artists and others who are deemed more worthy to have it than those who earned it.

Why is the government liable? Was it negligent in causing the destruction of the buildings? Were the airlines negligent in being hijacked? Are the insurance companies lliable for a deliberate act of destruction? It seems the only ones who need to make restitution are the ones who deliberately caused the destruction. If any payments are made, make it from their funds -- not the money of the People.
Donations of hundreds of millions of dollars have been given for this tragedy. Use that, and keep records so that the money is dispensed judiciously and equitably.


Individual Comment
North Little Rock, Arkansas

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000158.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,