September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 22, 2002 10:54 AM
comments to proposed rule

This is in reference to your request for comments on the proposed rules for compensation for victims of September 11, 2001. This comment is directed at the requirement for a victim to have sought medical treatment within 24 hours in order to be considered injured. For the reasons set forth I believe this requirement is unjust and unrealistic.

Many people, especially those who live outside the 5 boroughs, had difficulty even making it home within 24 hours. Most were in a state of shock. I live in a suburb and although I arrived home on the 11th I was in a state of shock. Although I had difficulty walking, I assumed that it was simply muscle strain from the exertion of running for my life. I called a doctor but was unable to get an appointment until Thursday. The fact that I should be denied benefits because I was unable to get an appointment until the next day is grossly unfair.

I believe many people were in a similar situation. Most were too shocked to realize what was happening to them. Many physicians were called to duty at emergency rooms and unavailable for patients. Many people, such as myself, did not immediately recognize the extent of their injuries and did not think to go to the emergency room. I believe some people who had injuries that were not life threatening thought, as I did, that they should not clog the emergency room with those type of injuries.

I was in 6 World Trade at the time of the incident and injured as a result. I have economic loss for which I will not be compensated. I would like to file a claim but would be barred by your proposed rule.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002241.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,