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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, January 11, 2002 3:27 PM
Inadequacies of compensation fund

I am a recent widow as a result of the WTC tragedy. My husband was an
employee of and was killed while at his job in Tower 2. He left behind two children (ages 18 and 12). I am deeply disappointed with the terms of the Victims' Compensation Fund. How in the world was the pain and suffering
figure ever allowed to be just $250,000 for victim and $50,000 for surviving
family members. Our loved ones encountered a savage way to die. Their last
moments were filled with terror and panic. As I can attest to for I was on
the phone with my husband in his final moments. The time of death had to be
excruciating, but hopefully quick. My children and I are constantly reminded
of this travesty every day of our lives. Nowhere can one go without seeing
something about 9/11. We will live with these images for the rest of our
lives. So not only is the pain and suffering settlement ridiculously too
low, but then you have the nerve to deduct other compensation from it. My
husband worked hard to provide for his family. In doing so he contributed to
the company's life insurance plan. That life insurance payout is money we
are entitled to and should not be taken into consideration when determining
how much I receive from the Fund. Also your economic chart to determine lost
wages does not take into account future salary increases and / or bonuses. I
am willing to accept that detail, but I am not willing to accept your
subtracting other compensation from that figure. We are been put in a
horrific situation. All due to negligence on the Airline's part, on the
Towers' architecture, on the inadequate fire-proofing and on the ineptitude
of the Towers' management (advising my husband that Tower 2 was secure and
he may return to his desk). We deserve a fair and just settlement or I will
have no recourse but to sue.


Individual Comment
Selden, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001529.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 21, 2024,