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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, March 21, 2002 5:06 PM
Compensate survivors of ALL 9/11 Victims

My life partner served the United States as an officer
in the USAF in Saudi Arabia. She retired from the
military and has been in graduate school getting a PhD
in Public Health. She has always had a strong interest
in bioterrorism. Since 9/11, she has been approached
by several federal agencies, as well as state and
local agencies, asking for her help in policy and
prevention planning for bioterrorism attacks. She is a
very patriotic American. Because of the events of
9/11, she has made it her life-long mission to work to
protect American lives from any and all types of
terrorist activities. She is also a lesbian.

It is shocking that our government would be so callous
as to provide compensation to the families of illegal
aliens and FETUSES lost during the events of 9/11, and
not provide compensation to the survivors/domestic
partners of the many gays and lesbians lost that day.
Some of those lost were heroes such as . Some of them were among the many
rescue workers who rushed into the WTC towers to
rescue civilians, and were then killed themselves.

The events of 9/11 were unparalelled in history. Our
contry has had to make changes in the way we operate
on so many levels. Why not make a bold and brave step
and compensate domestic partners of the gay and
lesbian vicitims? It would not necessarily set a
precedent. I pray that we NEVER would have to consider
making compensation for a disaster of this kind again.
These victims were loved, and lost. The sense of loss
is no less painful, simply because the victims were
gay. But the callous exemption of their survivors in
this case is adding enormous insult to injury. It sets
a precedent for treating gays and lesbians, even in
the most horrendous circumstances, as second class
citizens. In fact, in this case, even illegal aliens
get preferential treatment.

Please take a moment and remember how you felt on
September 11th, about the enormous loss of life. Reach
deep inside and use that feeling to do the RIGHT and
HONORABLE thing. Provide compensation to domestic
partners of those lost on 9/11.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002564.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,