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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 4:02 PM
Sexual descrimination

Upon reading the information sent to me by a friend of mine in regard
to the very high possibility that some of the heroes of September 11th, who
are homosexual, will not recieve benefits, or at least will recieve less, it
became clear to me that in the United States the separation of chuch and
state is a farce idea. Clearly the only true reason for this obvious
dissent toward people of a gay persuasion is based on the required religious
beliefs of the upper managment of this country. It is my opinion that had
these people's sexuality not been disclosed they would most certainly had
been hearalded equally with everybody else involved in the heroism. As an
American, I am disgusted and outraged. I would venture to say, without a
doubt, that if any person in our beloved government was stuck in that
building as it was falling to the ground, was being saved by the sheer
physical and mental power of a gay firefighter, he or she would immediately
suspend all social, political, philosophical and religious beliefs in regard
to gays. Wake up! People are alive because of these people. What if these
gay heroes stopped at the moment of action and asked the victim about his or
her beliefs in regard to gays? Do you think that hero would change his or
her mind about bringing that person to safety. I think everybody reading
this knows the answer. This is one of the times in history when this
government needs to put aside all personal sexual beliefs and give people
what they are due. Please use your minds and not your religious and
political dogma.

Thank you,

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001075.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,