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September 11 Email: Body

March 18, 2002

Kenneth L. Zwick, Director
Office of Management Programs
Civil Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Main Building, Room 3140
950 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Sir;

I am deeply troubled by your decision to discriminate against the families of gay and lesbian Americans.

You have decided to pay the law breaking, non-tax paying illegal alien's families, but our families, again
do not count.

We knew things like this would happen with John Ashcroft at the helm of the Justice Department.

We are people. We pay our taxes, we have children and partners that depend on us. Some of the
heroes of
the 9/11 attacks were gay. You insult their memory by further victimizing their families. We will not
forget the shame you have brought on yourself on election day.

You should resign, and allow someone who can be fair to ALL to take your place. If Mr. Ashcroft
put his religion aside and treat us like human beings, he too, should resign. We are people, and we
are citizens of this country. You've placed us below the status of illegal aliens in our own country. I once
thought we were second class citizens, but is is clear the Justice Department regards us and as less than
that, we
are not even citizens.

Shame on you sir. I hope you can live with yourself after you further victimize the partners and the
children who have lost their gay family members in this tragedy. You are not any better than the
who killed them. In my opinion you are worse.

You claim the reason you'll discriminate is because gay people are not legally married, yet it is people
you who lobby to keep us from marriage.

I am incredibly ashamed of you and the Justice Department.


Individual Comment
Dunbar, Wi

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002717.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024,