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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, November 26, 2001 5:46 PM

I appreciate this opportunity to express my thoughts.

My younger brother was killed in the Sept 11 attacks at the WTC. He was 37
yrs old, married for 1 year and did not yet have children. He was a trader
at a firm in the North tower. He was very successful in his field, earning
close to 1M per year. He was the kind of guy that makes America great.
Competitive, athletic, generous, tenacious and trusting. My brother's
generosity, his thoughtfulness, his capacity to bring about connection and
understanding, his ability to lead and inspire are qualities that are lost

I've read through a few of the comments posted by others. Many make sense to
me. A few of the clear sighted comments seem to be about not allowing any
type of offset, and providing some idea of the potential min benefit if the
Government requires that beneficiaries sign off on not filing suit. Many of
those contributing comments will never know the type of loss our family has
suffered. In reading their comments I feel distanced by their emphasis on a
particular formula or an analogy to be used as a model. Very few reflect an
awareness of the monumental tragedy that has transpired.

My theme in writing this message is to express the symbolic significance of
how the Victims Compensation is handled. Valuating life is usually God's
task. Thousands of beautiful Americans, many the best and brightest, were
murdered that day. Many more thousands were directly affected. The
management of the victims compensation will say it all about how America
responds to the unparalleled grief of its own. It will be a reflection of
our national character, it should show generosity and dignity, it should
realistically seek to compensate for the profound sacrifice that the victims
and their families suffered. It should be the deeply compassionate response
of a morally responsible world superpower. The message sent should seek to
balance with the loss suffered. I am optimistic that the fund will be
handled this way.

Very truly yours.

Individual Comment
Philadelphia, PA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000675.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024,