September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 5:12 PM
One woman's opinion about the fund distribution.

I have not lost anyone in the WTC or Pentagon attacks, but am concerned
with where and how the money meant to help victims and families of
victims is distributed.

In my opinion, the funds should be distributed as evenly as possible,
and distributed taking into consideration how much compensation a victim
or family has *already* received, so that those who receive less through
no fault of their own may be compensated fairly.

This will be an emotional issue, but fairness and evenness should be
considered over the emotional nature of those who feel they should not
be limited by the fact that they have already received forms of compensation.

No amount of money will ever restore families broken by this, but
compassion and fairness will eventually help healing begin, with as few
ill feelings about how the funds are distributed, as possible.

If I had lost a family member or been affected, I would not want to take
more than what was fair for my own circumstances and risk
short-shrifting another family or person. That kind of uneven
distribution, in my opinion, would only further deepen the tragedy.

Another issue that seems like it should be addressed with the funds is
the financial emergencies forced on low-income workers who have been
displaced by the events of September... These people may not have
suffered loss of family members, but have suffered loss of income, loss
of quality of life, and no doubt have been suffering in their own ways.


Individual Comment
Oklahoma City, OK

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000135.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 25, 2024,