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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:15 AM
September 11th Fund

To Whom it May Concern:

I would like to start this letter by saying that I voted for you and
all-in-all I think you are doing a wonderful job. I do, however, have one
very serious problem with something that is happening in our country. I
just became aware of the fact that gay and lesbian partners are not eligible
to receive benefits from the September 11th Fund. This greatly upsets me.
I am not a gay American, but I do not see the problem with being one. We
live in a country that represents freedom in the highest level, a country
that is supposed to accept all with open arms. I believe that by not
including out gay population in the September 11th Fund you are indeed
saying that we are not all created equal, does that not go against all that
we stand for? I personally donated a large amount of monetary funds to the
September 11th Fund and I am appalled to learn that my money is being with
held from certain individuals because of their sexual orientation. I am not
sure what one small email will accomplish, but I can not remain silent on
this issue. I have never written to any government official before and I am
very sorry that it is taking such an issue to make me write. I do hope,
that other people will write and hopeful you will see how wrong and
discriminatory this decision is.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000608.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024,