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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:06 AM
Victim's Compensation Fund

My husband, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp was killed while working for &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp .
at the World Trade Center, South Tower, on September 11th. He leaves behind
myself, and our 12 year old daughter. He worked for for 14 years and the last 8 years he worked for them in their &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Office. Because he had a lot of New York clients, my husband often used the &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp offices when he was in town visiting. Unfortunately, he was in NY on that day.
My husband was a hard working individual. A 12-13 hour work day was not
unusual for him. He earned a sizable salary but the two of us used that
salary to plan for our future and particularly, our daughter's. Because of
advanced planning, and forethought to unseen events, my husband purchased
life insurance above and beyond his company benefits so that in the event of
his death, my daughter and I would be able to live comfortably, without
Because of the nature of his death, along with thousands of others, we have
received charitable donations as well, to help us restart and get our lives
back in order.
As far as I can see, the Victim's Compensation Fund does not help people like
myself because of the proposed deductions of all collateral source amounts
which would include the life insurance I have received.
Not being a litigious person, if the Fund were attractive, I would opt for
that much more readily than I would for a lawsuit. However, if the Vicitim's
Compensation Fund does not change, I will be forced to file a lawsuit as will
many, many other victims. Believe me, we are angry enough and devastated
enough to pursue a lawsuit for as long as it takes and we will fight for as
much as we can get.
Because of negligence, lax attitudes towards airline security and immigration
laws, my husband is dead. He went to work on 9/11 like any other American
that day and because of our lack of governmental regulations and ineptitude,
he is dead. Now, all of a sudden, the government gets tough and imposes
regulations. However,the regulations you now decide to impose are on the
very people who have suffered the loss of a loved one because of your lack
of INITIAL regulations. It doesn't make sense. How dare you punish those
who have lost a loved one? Because my husband worked hard and made a very
good salary and had life insurance, I don't deserve to be compensated for his
loss? My loss is less because I have life insurance? My husband's life
didn't matter because he had life insurance of his own? Is my suffering any
less than someone who didn't have life insurance? What gives the government
the right to make that distinction?
How can you distinguish one life from another?
The Victim's Compensation Fund is an opportunity for the government to make
good on some really bad mistakes. If you would rather see a few thousand
lawsuits, keep the fund the way it is, if you would like to be fair and just
in the distribution of funds, consider my comments among the many others you
have received. You need to decide what a claimant would receive as a minimum
lump sum in lieu of lawsuit.
People have the right to know what they will receive if they opt for the fund.
You also need to reconsider the deduction of collateral source amounts from
this amount. If you don't, you will be inviting lawsuit and I believe, the
intention here is to avoid that at all costs. Be fair to the victims and
they will be fair to you.
Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001312.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,