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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, January 07, 2002 8:04 PM
victim compansation fund

I would like to begin by stating that all though I have not directly been
affected (in terms of family loss) by the 9/11 tragedy, I along with every
other rational human being have been affected emotionally. I have followed
the development day by day on CNN. I must take this opportunity though to
express my disblief in what I am hearing, and what I have seen on an
interview that was aired on today's show (1/7/02).
I believe that their is no monatary dollar value that can be placed on the
lives of all of those innocent people. In such turbulant times, I also can
not fathum the thought that the familis of the victims are angered and
worried about not receiving their "fair share" of the Victim Compansation
Fund. I feel that if the vicitims were financially savy, and were able to
plan for their futures and the futures of their family members, then the
funds should be distributed to those who really do need it. i.e. the family's
of the waiters, porters, kitchen help etc. No family or person should be
coming out of this tragedy with excess money. Yes, I do understand that the
children of the victims will be re-living the tragedy for the rest of their
lives, but how will being a millionare in the process help elevate the pain?
Especially while there are other family members who truly have nothing? If
the victim's had life insurance, 401k's etc. then they should be reliying on
those assets for financial security and leave the fund money for those less
fortunate and who really nead it. I believe that none of the family's should
strugle to make ends meat, and at the same time no one should benifit either.
I feel that the formula that was created for the distribution of funds is
fair, and as long as there is room for adjustment, all should be thankfull
for such a wonderfull government that enables them to receive anything at
all! In essance, give to those who need it the most!

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001437.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,