September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:03 AM
Just something to consider while you pass out funds that we
really dont have

Mr. Zwick,

I am saddened to see certain people who have been affected by the Sept.
11th tragedies to be conducting themselves as a few of them are. I am
stressing only a few of the families because a few are actually complaining
about free money for the death of thier loved ones. Personally, I dont
understand why they are looking to the Government for money for thier deaths,
the government didnt hijack the planes nor did the airlines. Neither entity
is responsible for the events, so why are they passing out taxpayers' money
that we really don't have to pass out? Between the 'war on terrorism' and
this fund the economy is going to hell in a handbasket and now some of them
want even more money. I guess everyone wants free money and someone to blame,
but why is the government entertaining this idea when they still havent kept
thier promises to families like mine? Need I harken back to the promise of
'40 acres' that no black family has ever gotten? When slave reparations were
brought up a few years back, they were all but laughed out of the courthouse,
but now we throw around money like Donald Trump? I mean, I bring that up
because it seems the government has money to spend on reparations for things
its not responsible for, maybe they finally have money to pay for things it
is responsible for and has already promised to pay for.
Individual Comment
A Taxpayer & US Veteran

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000264.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,