September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:52 AM
Subject: Government compensation for 9/11

The idea that it is the responsibility of the government to compensate every
victim of the 9/11 disaster is setting a catastrophic precedent. It has
become apparent that more and more people consider this a jackpot that will
take care of them for the rest of their lives. In view of the unprecedented
outpouring of generosity from Americans all over the country this is a slap
in the face of those who truly made sacrifices in order to donate to the
various agencies working to help these families. Nothing can mitigate the
pain of their loss, but neither is their fellow taxpayer obligated to make
them rich. Is it going to be a policy from now on to compensate victims of
any unforeseeable disaster with seven figure payments? The tax remission for
two years plus ALL estate taxes is already a sizable payment. If this
unseemly greed (and poor governmental judgment) continues there are many
citizens, like myself, who will never make another charitable donation except
in the case of a one-on-one situation where the need is verifiable and the
recipient less demanding and considering it their "right" to be compensated.

Individual Comment
Newport Beach, California

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000050.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,