September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 1:12 PM
September 11th Federal Fund

Dear Mr. Zwick,
I am a widow as of the result of the September 11th attack and that is
why I am writing to you. After going to the information meeting that Mr.
Feinberg held for the families I came away a little
discouraged. I know Mr. Feinberg has some control but I know there are others
in the justice department that are helping set these guidelines up for the
compensation amounts. There are 3 points I would like you and your colleages
to consider.
1. Set a minimum amount that the families can recieve. After insurance,

pensions and chartiable donations there will be little left if any.
2. Extend the tables that calculate the compensation for people who made
$236,000 to at least $500,000. How can you expect a person to sign a
document forgoing any type of legal action if they have no accurate
idea of what
they might end up with.
3. Make the awards and compensation consistent all the way up the chart.

I'm sure that the justice department is hesitant to provide these tables and
make these rewards public because middle America will not understand why
these people are getting this money from the government. I can just say that
the people that worked in those building were not the average working person.
They were in the tops of their fields and the countries economic growth and
development depended on them.
As well as the fact that the airlines,security companies and our government
let these people down. They should have been safe in their place of work and
we should have seen this coming. Please don't take these accusations
personally I know you are trying to do your job, I just hope you take my
three points into consideration when you are finalizing the rules


Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001624.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,