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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 1:35 PM
9/11 Fund exclusion of gays

I am writing to express my dismay at the 9/11 Compensation Fund's exclusion
of gays. Knowing full well that: (1) gays and lesbians do not have
marriage/civil union rights in all but 2 states; and (2) state intestacy laws
do not include persons other than by blood and marriage, Kenneth Feinberg,
supported by the DOJ and the President, seeks sanctuary and protection from
claims of discrimination agains gays and lesbians. Paradoxically, the 9/11
Fund includes fetuses and illegal aliens. Are fetuses included in state
intestacy laws? No. Do US laws protect illegal aliens' intestacy rights (or
most others for that matter)? No. It seems that "compassionate
conservativism" applies to some but not others. In these times when all
Americans should come together, persons such as Feinberg, John Ashcroft, and
George W Bush are catering to divisive right wing elements of the Republican
party, some of which, as we well know, blamed certain Americans (gays,
feminists, the ACLU) for the atrocities of September 11.

I myself am a gay man, a Republican, and an attorney. On all three of these
grounds, the 9/11 Fund's discrimination makes me ashamed of my country.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001622.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 18, 2024,