September 11 Digital Archive

Face of Satan pictureThanks for excellent pictures


Face of Satan pictureThanks for excellent pictures



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September 11 Email: Body

Thank you Mark Phillips for your picture , because I am a Christian from Pensacola, Fl. that pray with a group of people from all the churches in this area for all the lost in all the cities as well as the city of New York.  Several weeks ago, I say something on TV telling about a Broadway playing about Jesus Christ as a homosexual and I was so broken and sad to think that people here in America would allow this to every take place here.  I knew at that moment that something bad was to follow real soon.  Even my Uncle had dreams at night showing fire balls coming down on NY and he called to tell me and we ask God to not allow it to happen and prayed for your city then. Our prayers go out to your city and hopefully all of us will become better Christians and come together as one body in Jesus Christ under his blood and can worship in all of our churches with no barriers of race, culture, tradition or denomination. John 4:23 & 24 of the King James Bible says "But the hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth: for the Father is seeking such to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."  None of us should let church denomination or our church services get in the way of our spiritual growth with the Lord.  In these end times you better have knowledge and wisdom from him by the leading of the Holy Spirit or you may walk right into the devils arms to kill all of us.  John 10:10 The thief (devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. May the Lord bless you for he is using you to see that his name is glorified and calling the lost to him.  You are very special to him because he even knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb, and the Bible says he had plans for you to prosper, walk in health, be blessed and seeks to use your hands, mouth, etc.  Blessings to you, Yours sister in Christ, Jeanette Palmer-Florida<br>

September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 20 Sep 2001 19:19:38 -0500

September 11 Email: Subject

Face of Satan pictureThanks for excellent pictures


“Face of Satan pictureThanks for excellent pictures,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,