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September 11 Email: Body
Monday, March 11, 2002 7:53 PM
Gay people left out of 9/11 Fund???
To Whom It May Concern:
I am very angry to learn that Kenneth Feinberg, the head of the September 11 Victim's Compensation Fund (a program of the US Dept. of Justice), is planning
on limiting what kind of compensation goes to gay and lesbian victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. And the way the rules read, gays and lesbians will probably get nothing. I am very angry about this. From my understanding Mr. Feinberg said that he will be going with the state laws governing the distribution of compensation. The problem for gay Americans who lost loved ones on September 11 is that most states do not legally recognize gay relationships, and the very few that do tend to do so only for state employees, not for citizens at large. And while a handful of cities do in fact recognize such relationships, under Feinberg's formula, it's the state's law that counts, not the city's.
So, in the end, pretty much everyone who died - including people who aren't even American citizens and were living in the US illegally - will be honored by the September 11th Fund as deserving of America's special recognition and thanks. The sole exception will be gay and lesbian Americans, because Feinberg and the 911 Fund wouldn't want to do anything contrary to US law. (Unless of course it involves an illegal alien who isn't even American - then apparently it's okay to bend the rules.) A major hero during the 09/11 attacks on America, , was gay. Are you telling me that he doesn't count as an American? Please reply explaining why you are leaving out gay Americans.
Respect our planet and ALL life on it!
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September 11 Email: Date
“dojR000300.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,