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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, January 19, 2002 9:59 PM
Victim's Compensation Fund

To Whom it Concern:

I am writing to you about the Victim's Compensation Fund for
the victims of the World Trade Center from 9/11. While no fund
would ever be totally fair in everyone's eyes, with all due respect
this plan is largely unfair. I personally have no vested monetary
interest in the fund, as I did not have any family members die.

One of best friends did not make, as did another person i knew
and my company lost many people from our division Carr Futures.
But even if I didn't know anyone there, I would still feel the way that I do.

The parts that are unfair in my eyes are basing it on victim's salary
In general older people are going to have a higher salary than a younger
person, but because they are older they will have in general a shorter
life span. That younger person would have their salary going up for a longer
period of time than an older higher salaried person would. There is just no
fair way to have weighted average salaries basing it on salaries of the past
three years. The only way is for everyone to get the same amount of money
as a base amount and then adjust for the amount of dependents they have

That brings me to point #2. What constitutes a dependent?
While I would certainly never disagree with the fact that spouses and
children are very important dependents, what about parents who were
dependent on a child who died.........or for that matter any other relatives
that were dependent on the person who died. They should be entitled
to money also

And as far as the family members giving up the right to sue...........
Without knowing a definite amount they are entitled to, how can
someone give up the right to sue? They may not sue if they knew
how much they were getting. They should know the amount they
are getting and if they don't accept it, the they can sue.....But to
give up one's right to sue without knowing what they will be getting
is ridiculous.

As far as the non-economic award, to me there is no way of
knowing of how long each person suffered. To me that is very hard
to judge who suffered more or less, everyone suffered that didn't
make it. These amounts should be equal and they should be higher
than they are

I know that it can't be easy for you to come up with amounts
that will be fair to everyone. I just wanted to send in an opinion'
from someone who will not be entitled to a dime from the Funds.
While I did lose someone close to me, I am not writing this entirely
because of him...

Thanks for your time

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002084.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,