September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:19 AM
Compensation for victims of 9/11

Mr. Kenneth Feinberg,

Having heard about your remarks on "Meet the Press" about your plans on
distribution of the 9/11 funds to gays and lesbians and their partners, I am
shocked and overcome with the thought that any American could, at this time,
do something to further try to divide our country and it's citizens. Let's
not even mention the fact that non-citizens will probably benefit (illegal
immigrants who were working in that area). Just where did you get your ethics
and morals? I suppose it must be the same place most organized religions get
theirs, their biased and hateful polluted minds. God told us to "not judge,
lest ye be judged." Maybe you think you outrank Him. I would think that the
few prejudiced and holier-than-thou protesters that might raise objection to
you giving out funds to domestic partners of gays and lesbians would be
ignored by the vast majority that understand we should be fair and open about
these things in this day and age. Or perhaps you might subscribe to Jerry
Falwell's idea that what happened on 9/11 is due to the gays/lesbians,
immoral, and abortionists.

Perhaps you should rethink your position on this matter. Just remember that
gays and lesbians represent 10% of the population (as a conservative
estimate). Good luck with future political hopes you may have if you make the
wrong decision.

Individual Comment
Houston, Texas

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000553.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,