September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, January 26, 2002 1:34 PM
Gov Compensation

I would like to response to the article I have just read by The Associated Press about the September 11 families pushing for more money. First of all I am sorry that they have lost a family member, however I do not feel that their lost is any more than the family of any John Doe. I do not feel that are government owes these people anything. In a day when some people are without jobs, without homes, without food and Life insurance of any kind is a luxury, I feel that these families should be ashamed to even think of such. If one of my family members were to be killed today would the govenement even give it a second thought. They sure didn't when my father who served 22 years in the Air Force with tours in both Korear and Vietnam. They wouldn't even help supply all of his medications during his last days. I think these people need to set back and think what if their family member had did in a car reck or such or even if this had been a member of my family, what do they feel would be a just compensation then. This was an act of some severly sick people, not our govenment or any other govenment. Nothing is guantered in life not even govenment protection and safety.

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000169.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,