FW: Satanic Face in the Smoke
FW: Satanic Face in the Smoke
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September 11 Email: Body
<br> Mark - if you have time could you please answer - don't know why your's was B&W -----Original Message----- <br><br><bold>From:</bold> Christian [mailto:chharden@vt.edu] <br><br><bold>Sent:</bold> Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:25 PM <br><br><bold>To:</bold> kusa@9news.com<br><br><bold>Subject:</bold> Satanic Face in the Smoke <br><br><br>in reference to - http://9news.com/newsroom/13294.html Why do you have this picture in black and white if it was taken with a digital camera and has not been altered. Why would someone take a black and white photo with a dig. camera? and why is the background completely black... it was mid morning, it should be the brightest/most transparent part of the smoke. please respond. "Rome wasn't burned in a day" HGthG <br><br>Christian<br>
September 11 Email: Date
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 10:23:22 -0600
September 11 Email: Subject
FW: Satanic Face in the Smoke
“FW: Satanic Face in the Smoke,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/3161.