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September 11 Email: Body
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 7:10 PM
Justice for ALL 9/11 victims / survivors
To whom it may concern:
Thank you for your work in the Victim Compensation Fund for those killed
in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
I would urge you to include in consideration survivor benefits declared
and recorded domestic partners of the person killed, whether of opposite
or same sex. I would ask that this be done at national level, same as for
heterosexual married couples, and not (as I understand is the proposed
policy) on a state-by-state basis dependent upon current legislation
regarding survivor benefits in each state.
If it be objected that laws must be honored, I must strenuously protest
the double standard used in allowing families and spouses of illegal
aliens to receive benefits, but not those of law-abiding U.S. citizens
and legal aliens killed who were gay / lesbian. Indeed, if obedience to
law be given as the reason for excluding gay / lesbian victims' survivors
from benefits, then why is the law ignored in not arresting and
prosecuting the illegal aliens victims survivors who themselves are in
the USA illegally?
Let me be clear: I do think the death of the illegal aliens is tragic,
and in this instance, the law should be waived, and their survivors
should be compensated. Likewise, the death of gay / lesbian persons
killed on 9/11 is tragic, and THEIR partner survivors should be
compensated, too, or at the very least, be invited to make application
for such compensation.
The current policy, as recently enunciated by Mr. Feinberg, I consider
wholly unjust to gay and lesbian victims and their survivors, and very
bad public policy. I hope that policy will be reconsidered, and the
spirit of equality, fairness, and compassion that has been our nation's
hallmark will prevail.
The honorable memory of gay heroes of 9/11, such as  
  , flight 93 hero   , and
  , who as   was murdered aboard the plane that
crashed into the   , demands that other gay and lesbian persons
killed on 9/11 be honored with justice: and that means providing their
grieving partners the very same compensation as those of "straight"
Thank you for your consideration, and I will be attentive to news
reports, etc. holding the hope that the present shameful and biased
policy excluding gay / lesbian partners, and opposite sex domestic
partner survivors, will be amended, and real justice prevail.
Sincerely yours:
Individual Comment
Morton, IL
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR002251.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,