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September 11 Email: Body
Saturday, January 26, 2002 11:56 PM
brief comment
I along with most remember the surealistic images on tv @ work the morning of
9/11 ! I can not imagine seeing and/or remembering that image knowing that
anyone from my family was in the building or close. How soon some forget!
We all state without considering the concept that you can not put a price on
Why would anyone anywhere ever use the word greed to describe family members
of thousands of people who were the victims of THE WORST ATTROCITY ever to
happen in these United States in most of our life times???
Lay out the whole national budget (foreign & domestic) inclusive of the many
ludicrous "pork barrel" projects and then tell the child not yet born on 9.11
that his/her family was greedy and got over compensated as a result of their
loved one getting murdered while doing little more than living!
How could anyone thow such a "stone"? The cliches short sighted and small
minded come to mind.
Let us not forget the endless embarassing gov beaurocratic paperwork that
necessitates that surviving families still grieving very personal and private
losses provide many very personal family financial details in a somewhat
public forum!
Shame on all who attach the word greed to describe anyone so very personally
affected by the attrocious murder of a loved one as they access monies
available from us the tax paying public! Indeed tax dollars paid by people
who lost their lives and from companies destroyed or decimated by the attack
are also included!
In addition, I feel that a separate fund with much more flexibility be set up
to assist those who have lost incomes but not loved ones! So what if a person
only worked a few weeks - LET SIMPLE LOGIC & COMMON SENSE PREVAIL when
determining if loss of income was/is do to this ATTACK, NOT standard
beaurocratic regulations governing laws like wagner-pyser, and WIA dislocated
worker rules! Why should anyone who lost their ability to be self-sufficient
do to an attack on the Sovereignty of this great country be put in the
position of a beggar and called greedy??
Individual Comment
from Ohio
September 11 Email: Date
“dojP000195.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,