September 11 Digital Archive

interested in prophecy issues


interested in prophecy issues



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September 11 Email: Body

<br> I am putting together a report on the issues of this event and occult and biblical basis. <br><br>The number 11 as a significant number in this WTC /Pentagon ( or pentagram) as it really is meant to be ( crisis )..........these buildings being designed with Mason planning.............the twin towers forming the 11 and all matters of these buildings are in 11's even the square footage.........this in not unlike the Kennedy shotting or other of destruction are done on 11's........9+1+1=11.....the Master number .symbolizing destruction, violence, defeat and death. It is the "number of Sins" and the "Penitent" higher then the ten Commandments but lower then the 12 which is the number of Grace and Perfection. <br><br>I also wish to know about the<underline> Gabriel Hurricane</underline> which was suppose to come through NYC.this very son saw it on the Air Force Base weather satellite...the size of Maine, on the 11th.  Gabriel is the messanger angel........he is not Michael the warrior angel.............This was a passing message of God. Wy didn't the media talk about this or your photos of the Satan face in the smoke of the WTC...............???  Too afraid people even atheists might believe in something greater then themselves ? <br><br>I would like to present this for some church groups and need some photos I can copy so they can see them of this can I get them ? <br><br>Beth Wallace<br>

September 11 Email: Date

Fri, 21 Sep 2001 00:49:23 -0700

September 11 Email: Subject

interested in prophecy issues


“interested in prophecy issues,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,