September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, March 14, 2002 1:12 PM

Although I was not someone who was directly effected by the events of
September 11th, I believe the story that is told below is an absolute case
of discrimination. Being a gay women, I am appalled and saddened by the
ignorance I see and hear every day in things I read in the newspaper, hear
on the news, or hear in my surroundings about the discrimination of
homosexuals in America.

And now, the US government is willing to discriminate against us yet again
with something as important as this. Yet, an illegal alien will be
overlooked and so will their employers. What is going on in this country???
We need to band together, not separate out those we don't understand. I am
very proud to be a United States citizen. I except the challenges that the
world presents to me because I am "different", but this is just a slap in
the face that I can't let go without voicing my opinion.

I hope the government rethinks this issue, and asks how they would feel if
it were something that was held from them. How would they feel to not be
recognized because they were black, gay, divorced, physically or mentally
challenged or any other thing that would make them "different". I would
guess, probably not so great.

Thank you for your time.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000765.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,