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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, January 20, 2002 1:54 PM

VCF Letter

To Whom it May Concern:

My sister, , perished in the World Trade Center on
September 11, 2001. She worked for on the Floor of
the South Tower. By many accounts, she stepped out of her role as an
administrative assistant to help co-workers to the stairway exits. Would she
have survived if she hadn't stopped to help others? Did she listen to the
public address announcement that the building was safe? We'll never know. Was
she a hero? I'd like to think so.

But what we do know is that my sister, along with thousands of others,
was one of the many innocent victims who lost their lives in the most
diabolical and violent attack on the American mainland in this country's
history. No doubt she faced unimaginable horror before her death. Our family
fears, but dare not speak about the excruciating pain she may have suffered.

My father lost his eldest child and his three surviving children lost a
sister - and we are all putting on a brave face for each other. Perhaps we
find some comfort in trying to comfort each other. Our pain is intense and it
is not limited to the loss of. Indeed, we have come to know many
people who have lost loved ones - there is a special bond among us - we share
in their pain. Our hearts go out to all the families of the victims. My
sister's body has not been recovered or even identified. Will there ever be
closure? Probably not - the scars of this horrible nightmare will be with us

And as Americans, we are all outraged. Indeed, the American people have
responded to this outrage with both a renewed sense of national pride, and
empathy for the victims and their survivors as expressed by generous
donations to charities and funds. But my father has recieved very little
monies either from charity of from these funds - and it now appears that,
because of the insurance offset rule, he will recieve ZERO from the federal
Victims Compensation Fund (the Fund).

I find it unconscionable that after receiving little charity and never
recovering the body and not wanting to pursue a lawsuit, that my father
stands to receive nothing from the federal Government. I cannot accept that
this was the Government's intent here. I had believed that the Fund was
created a part of a national response to provide meaningful compensation (and
some closure) to the victims' families while simultaneously protecting
Airliine industry, including limiting tort liability. I do not believe the
Government intended to ignore the plight of the innocent at the benefit of
the priveledged (my sister was innocent, no doubt the Airline's and other
parties may be negligent!!!).

Thus with all due respects, I urge that changes be adopted to either the
Law or how the Fund is it is administered, in order to provide my father some
meaningful compensation in the form of a Net Minimum Payment from the Fund.
In this way, the spirit and intent of the American people, as represented by
their Government, will be met in dealing with this extraordinary national

Most Sincerely,

Individual Comment

Douglaston, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002124.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,