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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, February 03, 2002 2:48 PM
(no subject)

Mr. Ashcroft, this letter was sent to the President and I feel you should also
get a copy.

January 27, 2002

Honorable George W. Bush
United States of America
300 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.

DearHonorable George W. Bush,

As a retired Port Authority of New York and New JerseyPolice Lieutenant, I
lost many friends and acquaintances on September 11,2001. Unfortunately, my
brother-in-lawwas also one of those who suffered and died on that day. In
all, I lost over 40 people who Iknew. I realize that you â?? above all
â??understand the pain that we, as a family, have been through. I write to you
today hoping that you willrealize what OUR government is adding to that pain
and suffering.
My brother-in-law, , would havecelebrated his 36th
birthday on September 22nd. Unfortunately, that was not to be. He was a
director of the for located on the
floor of the NorthTower. No one knows how he died (or howlong he suffered)
before the collapse, but we do know that he and hiscolleagues were alive
after the initial impact and knew that there was no helpcoming for them. We
DO know that hewent to work that fateful Tuesday and did not return to his
is married to and has five smallchildren â?? 9,
8, 6, 5 and 2. He was also the most loving and
generousfather to his children that I have ever met. On August 10th of 2001,
he and closed on a new home inRidgewood, NJ, moving from Stamford,
Connecticut. Â wanted to cut his commuting time, so that he could
spendmore time with his family.
Recently, the US Government devised a formula to assist tohelp the families
of September 11th. Unfortunately, that formula may exclude and her
childrenfrom receiving any compensation for their loss. was well
compensated during his employment by for his expertise and
dedication. He also had the foresightto provide for his family through
private insurance. As a result of his love and devotion to his family, it
nowappears that our government wants to penalize his heirs. This is neither
fair nor equitable.
There is absolutely no reason whysomeone whose sole ambition in life was to
provide for his family should bepenalized under this plan. Under thepresent
government formula, and her five children would not be eligiblefor
compensation. The only way to knowwould be to apply for the aid and then
wait for a reply. If the reply is negative, JUST FOR APPLYING,they have
forfeited the right to sue. This is unjust.

With all the brilliant minds that we have elected torepresent us, someone
should be able to come up with a better formula tocompensate the families.Â
To penalizesomeone for earning over a set amount or to deduct insurance
monies from asettlement is not a fair or equitable way to try and compensate
a familyâ??sloss. Based on 's earning potentialand his age ANY court in
the land would hand over many times what thegovernment is offering. Is it
fair toforce the widow and five children of a victim to seek justice through
the courtsystem? Is it fair and just to offerthem nothing when others will
receive compensation for their losses? Is this the RIGHT thing to do to
those whohave already suffered so much? It wouldseem that the only thing
this promotes is litigation. The only ones who profit are the attorneys.Â
And the only ones who will not be able toget on with their lives are the
immediate families.
I know you are an extremely busy man with many pressing matterson a daily
basis, especially now. Ialso know that you are a kind and compassionate
man. I only hope that you see the inequities of the proposed systemand can
convince others to change the present formula.
I pray for you and our elected officials and GOD BLESSAMERICA.


Individual Comment
Wood-Ridge, NJ

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000371.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,