September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body


Kenneth Zwick, Director
Office of Management Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
Main Building 4 Room 2140
Washington DC

Dear Mr. Zwick

I have recently joined the " Fiancees and Domestic Partners of 911 Support
Group". Together we all face the same suffering and pain as that of a
spouse. Our suffering is compounded even further for the lack of
recognition that we so sorely deserve.

In the September 11th attack on the WTC my fiancee, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , who
worked for &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp as a &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , lost her life in the South Tower. We had
a strong loving relationship, lived together for two years, and were to be
married Oct. 13th before this horrible event took place. Since the attacks I
have relocated from east Brunswick, New Jersey to the Chicago land area.
My life as well as others in the group has been turned upside down and inside
out as a direct result of the attacks. There are many other domestic
partners and or fiancee who have suffered the loss of their loved one in
this tragic event.

Mr. Ken Feinburg, the Special Master, indicated that he would not recognize
domestic partners or fiancee when distributing funds. In a meeting in New
Jersey, he said that he was to follow the laws of domicile when it comes
time to who will get compensated. We feel that he should recognize fiancee
and domestic partners since they do indeed make up a family unit. We also
feel that most public officials are in agreement on this point. We ask that
you support us in giving the fiancee and domestic partners the same right
to collect from the Victims Compensation Fund.

Thank you in advance for giving this letter your highest consideration.


Individual Comment
Darien, IL

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000535.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 9, 2025,