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September 11 Email: Body
Thursday, March 14, 2002 1:38 PM
Extend benefits to partners of gay & lesbian victims
To Whom it Concerns:
Is it really true that your fund is discriminating against the same sex
partners of gays and lesbians who died in the 9/11 attacks? I'm not sure I
can believe it.
I'm sure you are aware what a hero was, thought to help bring down that airliner in a Pennsylvania field (which is thought to have been heading for the U.S. Congress). Perhaps you also know that there was a gay
male couple and their three-year-old child on one of the other planes.
There were undoubtedly several other gay and lesbian passengers on those
four planes. To deny surviving partners monetary assistance when you are
giving such aid to surviving spouses of heterosexual couples - and even to
illegal aliens as I understand it - is not only unfair and mean, it's
immoral. Surely there is enough money to go around to help those in need.
I urge you to reconsider this short-sighted policy you are following and
amend it at once to include just compensation for all victims of the 9/11
attacks. Please let me know what you intend to do about this situation.
Best regards,
Individual Comment
Los Angeles
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR000768.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 9, 2025,