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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, January 10, 2002 5:55 PM
Victim's Compensation Fund Comments from a wtc Widow

My husband, , was killed in the world trade center on Sept. 11 while attending the conference at . He was a senior vice president of technology for , a subsidiary of .

My husband was 39 years old. We have one child, our daughter who turned 10 years old on Sept. 22.

Because of the salary cap imposed by the Special Master, which does not even match my husband's base salary, let alone allow for bonus and other benefits, and because of the generous insurance policies of and &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , I and our daughter will receive nothing from the income compensation portion of the fund if the fund remains as currently structured.

I am older than my husband (I am 48), have worked only part time in recent years for an hourly wage in a much less in-demand field and as such my earning potential is much much lower than his. I had understood that Congress' intent was to as much as possible, and within reason, try to maintain the economic level which existed before the attacks. In my case, if the restrictions remain as they currently are written, our economic level will in no way be reflective of my husband's support.

I plead with you to raise the annual salary cap for calculating the economic portion of the award to at least twice the current level and to not deduct insurance and other benefit payments.

Thank you for your consideration.

Individual Comment
Garden City, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001515.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 17, 2024,