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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, November 05, 2001 6:03 PM
Victims Fund

Being as this fund was set up to avoid litigation against airlines and other
entities, I believe the following should be considered for each case:

If the intent of this fund is to prevent litigation then you will need to
pay a large sum to the families. I would suggest researching amounts won by
survivor's of airplane crashes and terrorist acts in the past five years.
You could contact any member of the Products Liability division of Perkins
Coie, LLC in Washington, DC or even in Seattle for this information.

Everyone hurts after losing someone in their family. Everyone who lost
someone lost them the same way. Everyone is enduring a loss committed with
criminal intent. For these reasons I believe a base amount of compensation
should be set.

At least three million dollars for each victim should be put into a trust
fund and/or annuity to be given to family members. Any good accutuary and
accountant team could come up with a formula that would provide continued
support for the family into the future. Also this could benefit children of
the victims.

Then look at other donations the family received. If the family received no
other monies then they would be entitled to another amount in addition to
the million dollars. However, I believe that many people have received
funding from pensions, insurance policies, charities, etc.

If monetary support has come from the victim's family that should not be
included in determining further amounts.

Thank you for your time.

Individual Comment
Port Orchard, WA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000015.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,